Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Don't be immature

The mature marketers are those who have a plan. They are the ones that sit down at the beginning of an engagement, write out a marketing strategy, and use that strategy as a filter or a guideline for the coming months ahead. These folks create a culture of efficiency, effectiveness and calm. This is what most of us aspire to be.
The immature marketers react to everything that comes their way, and they are unable to prioritize any initiatives that come across their desk. These folks are sometimes frantic, commonly very high anxiety, sacrifycing the longer-term effectiveness of their strategy for the short-term benefits of their tactics. These are the kinds of people who have an 18-month tenure with an organization; many of us would hate to work for them.
A mature marketer is what we all want to be, but achieving that goal can be difficult in our quarterly-driven world, where Wall Street and venture capitalists are constantly applying the pressure to succeed now. It’s the “what have you done for me lately” school of marketing, and it's killing business today.

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